Sue Arnold Yoga

Yoga classes led by an Instructor with 30 years of experience

Yoga: the only complete system that can work at all levels of body and mind.

Hatha Yoga, is the traditional Indian name used to describe a set of practices that are
intended to prevent physical problems, heal existing ones
and maintain overall health and wellbeing.

About Sue

Welcome to my website!

I've been passionate about Hatha Yoga since I first started practising. I was only fifteen then and began teaching in my early twenties following completion of the British Wheel of Yoga Teacher Training Course. Some students have been attending my classes regularly for more than twenty years!

No one is too young or too old to practice Yoga. All you need is a Yoga mat, the discipline to practise regularly and most importantly, a real love of Yoga.

My classes are held in and around Sutton Coldfield, Four Oaks, and Shenstone. They're all daytime classes and the current cost is £9.00 per session.

Everyone is very friendly and welcoming - we all work hard and enjoy our weekly classes immensely. As well as making new friends, here are just some of the wonderful benefits that can be gained through the regular practise of Yoga:-

  • A supple and youthful spine.
  • Good posture - now and in the future
  • Improved balance and concentration, which can help prevent life threatening falls later in life.
  • Increased suppleness and strength.
  • A fit and well toned body.
  • A youthful disposition.
  • More effective breathing, leading to a calmer and well balanced state of mind.
  • An appreciation of what it really means to 'relax' and how and why this is beneficial to us in our daily lives. 

About Yoga

'Yoga', put very simply, is a discipline or a way of life.

Yoga originated in India and the East and came to the West near the end of the nineteenth century as trade and communication with, and knowledge about, India and the Far East began to grow.

There are several different types of Yoga, but Westerners have taken most readily to the 'Hatha' Yoga method.

Hatha Yoga is a system for physical and emotional well being. Physical exercise, including a whole range of varied postures, is combined with controlled breathing exercises and relaxation. All three aspects of the system are important. The regular practice of Hatha Yoga claims to help keep a person young and healthy and I'm a passionate believer in this!

"The main point about every Yoga is not to read about it or to talk about it, but to practice it. Without practice, Yoga is a faint shadow of its real self. But with practice, good Yoga can change your life!"

The Latest News from the World of Sue Arnold Yoga

Seated Yoga

Venue:- United Reformed Church, Sutton Coldfield Town Centre, every other Wednesday afternoon, 3-4pm.
(£7.00 per class).

My seated Yoga class is perfect for those students who prefer to take their Yoga a little bit more gently. However, it's truly amazing how much Yoga can be done sitting down!

Seated Yoga can help to build a student's confidence. The chair is always there for support. There is some standing work though, including balance exercises for those students who feel confident enough to have a go.

This is a particularly friendly and supportive class. The exercise and relaxation is as beneficial as it would be in any other general Yoga class.

If you're interested in coming along to my seated Yoga class, purely to discover what it's all about, you'd be more than welcome! Contact me as below...

Example of Inverted pose
Inverted Poses

The Benefits of Being Upside Down.

The Hatha Yoga upside down poses or inversions, in which the legs are higher than the heart, are those most closely associated with the delaying of the ageing process.

This is primarily because being even partially upside down helps rest the legs and the heart and also works against the downward pull exerted upon us by gravity.

An inverted posture includes anything whereby the legs are higher than the heart. One of the most powerful examples of this is 'Sirsasana' or 'king of poses' - the headstand! This is considered to be very good for the brain, but it's not generally practised in my classes. Even a very moderate inversion will help rest your body, mind and renew energy. The cumulative effect of this is said to delay the ageing process and I believe in that.

Here are some of the other health benefits to be gained from being even partially upside down:-


Inverted Poses cont...

The tendency for the abdomen and the other tissues and organs to sag is countered.

The blood circulates in a new way. Blood flows away from the feet and ankles and flows instead to the neck, face and brain.

The heart receives a kind of holiday.

The leg veins are rested.

Psychologically, problems can literally be 'turned on their heads' and new perspectives can be gained on old problems.

Just a word of caution:- inverted or upside poses are not advisable for people with glaucoma, those with high blood pressure or other circulatory problems.

Sue's Classes and Locations

Please contact Sue on 07903 717217 for further information about any of these classes.
Beginners are more than welcome!
For location maps, addresses, and postcodes for SatNav, of the venues, click here or see below the class list.

Morning Afternoon
Mon No Classes 1.30-2.30pm, St. Peter's Church Hall.
£9.00 per session.
Tue 10.15-11.15am, Shenstone Village Hall.
£9.00 per session.
1.45-2.45pm, Sacred Heart Church Hall.
£9.00 per session.
Wed 10.15-11.15am, St. Peter's Church Hall.
£9.00 per session.
3.00-4.00pm, Every other Wednesday afternoon. Sutton Coldfield URC.
Seated Yoga. £7.00 per session. Contact Sue for details.
Thu 10.15-11.15am, Sacred Heart Church Hall.
£9.00 per session.
No Classes
Fri No Classes No Classes

Contact Sue

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